Thursday, August 27, 2009

New pics

I added about fifteen new pictures to the slideshow section (the "My Pictures" section on the main page of the blog). The new pictures are pics that I took on the way home from Peoria.

Some of the pictures were taken two days ago, as I flew by Cleveland. I was flying a bit out over the lake as I passed by so I had a good view of the waterfront. I also had a nice view of Cleveland's main airport and also the waterfront airport. The remainder of the pictures were taken today, en route from Erie, PA to home.

Once you click on the large arrow in the center of the slideshow image, the slideshow will start automatically. If you move the cursor off the slideshow, the controls will also disappear. Alternatively, you can use the controls to go forward or backward at your own pace. You can also view the slideshow in full-screen mode by clicking the rightmost icon in the lower toolbar on the slideshow window.

I hope to add some video tomorrow but the camera was acting up. I'll have to see how much I can retrieve.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos! Great shots of the beautiful scenery and the city. That river where it's carved thru the rocks is gorgeous.
